Saturday, February 8, 2014

Personal experiences with Qareen


Enslaving the Jinns or Hamzaad is possible but a risky business and can cost one his life. It shouldn’t be done without having proper guidance from an experienced person. Once an amil was doing exercise for controlling his Hamzaad. He lit a candle and placed it on his back in a dark room during night. He focused on his shadow which appeared on the front wall and started reciting a verse. He continued for few nights after which his shadow started moving. After some more time, the shadow started running around the room although the candle and he himself was stationary. On the last day of his exercise, he was busy in his work without knowing that some guests were sleeping on the roof top of his neighbor’s house. All of sudden the Charpoys (beds) started falling from the roof. The guests got panicked and a crowd gathered around. People knocked the amil’s door as well and he had to break his work to go out to see whats happening. His Chila broke and the Hamzaad got free. Later the amil started receiving stains of blood on him and suffered throughout his life. Hamzaad gets powerful when its companion human being indulges in evils and gets weaker if the person does good deeds. When one goes astray from the right path, he/she gets strong inclination/temptation from the inside. He/she feels that someone inside is pushing towards something. Scientist can claim it to be split personality or anything else. But the truth is Man is born with both Evil and Good in his inside. He has choice. If he chooses evil, than his evil takes over his goodness and he becomes a devil. If he chooses goodness the evil is enslaved and he becomes superior to Angels, a true Naib of Almighty Allah and deserves to be called Ashraf ul Makhlooqat. 
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Hamzaad is actually spirit that can be used for both good and bad deeds. I have heard a lot of about it. But now there a great problem for those people who want to control but they failed due to many reasons. I personally do 4 or 5 chillas/rituals etc to capture it but failed. Recently before 4 month I meet with Mr.shokat Ali who tell me some valuable information about Hamzaad. He did hamzaad chilla in past (before some years).He perform chilla by noori and safli way and he kept Noori Hamzaad under his control for 2 years while he kept under his control on Safli hamzaad and that safli hamzaad was very very powerful and do all work as he order him and due to some reason he kept it only for 30days then he free him. His father guide him in chilla and himself as teacher in doing chilla then Mr.shokat Ali win to capture Hamzaad. He became aamil of Hamzaad. I personally meet him and get valuable information. He capture Hamzaad and do many task by that Hamzaad. Then due to some family matters me could not obey the agreement that was made with that hamzaad, then he finally Free the Hamzaad. He do 41 nights chilla (Ritual) then he successes to capture hamzaad. He do perheez (Egg, fish, meat, garlic, onion) & some other perheez Jalali wa jamali also did. When he was doing chillas he did that practice in a close room that was in the forest he used to go in that room & wear Red clothes at night and lit the Chragh (Candle) on their back side then sit in centre of room and focus on the neck of their shadow and recite some words for 2100 times (25 minutes time). After 7 days (7 night at amal time) his shadow become pure white color and on 11 night his shadow start movement. Shadows start moving left side and daily when he recite his shadow start moving and on 21 night his shadow start moving and come his back side. After 21 days his shadow come moving from back side to right side and on 39 and 40 night still remain front side and become his own shape a person (Human form::: Hamzaad). Hamzaad ask him; Why you call me? What do you want? He at once say to him I want that you do my work as I order to you and fulfill my task as I desire. He ask what you do for me then Mr.Shokat reply I will give you bread and water. So finally an agreement made and Hamzaad told some words for quick calling him. He wrote those words and keep them secret. After that he perform many task by that Hamzaad (Qareen, Saya, Astral body etc). He kept Hamzaad with him 2 years then he finally free him due to some personal reasons. At this time he have no Hamzaad with him but he know reality and nature of hamzaad & 100% accurate Amal e hamzaad formula to call him. He told this ritual/amal/method to one his students in Rituals and he also win the amal… According to my knowledge his is one person who reveal the truth to me and I myself share his practical and reality about Hamzaad amal. At present he have only one mokal at this time. With him. He is a rohani aamil at this time. He is living at Fort Abbas (Near chishtian…Punjab…Pakistan). I meet with him before 4 months at Khanewal (Multan…Pakistan). I share these information to you how and what things are involved in the reality of Hamzaad.. He also share me another 7 days Safli AMAL E HAMZAAD but I would not like share it to every one. Its method is secret and not good for doing to good person so I keep it in secret from sharing to Internet. It was simple and 7 night chilla but sorry for share it to every one. The first amal that I share is a Norani Amal e Hamzaad. His second amal was about a JINN capturing which consist of 11 days ritual of surah jinn. This amal is very Jalali amal. It details is here as.,,, Surah Jinn 1000 bar parho to ak jinn hazar ho ga.Ya 101 bar 11 raat amal karo to hazary ho jay gi.Offer 5 times prayers a day, keep yourself clean 24 hours a day. Surah Jinn daily 101 times for 11 days, On 3rd day Jinn will come to appear and till 7 days they will fully try that you will stop the amal. On 7th day or 11th day they will ready to serve you & make a legal commitment with JINN & will tell you method for quick calling to him. Make promise by the Name of Prophet Suleiman (AS).This is very very dangerous amal. Ye amal bohat Jalali amal ha, told to me by Mr.Shokat ALI SB. (6 hour time required).Do hisar before amal daily at amal time. Ok Strange amal e Hamzaad. That was performed by the friend of Mr.Shokat Ali and still he has control on his hamzaad this is very very strange amal. He has to get the Piece of cloth of that person and make the batti of chragh and stand up in a chowk where there is complete Loneliness he lit the chragh by fire and start reciting something for 1 hour then after some days a flame raise up then it become form of that person whose was that cloth. The hamzaad head, legs, arms etc then all body parts appear and finally on 11 night Hamzaad appear and ready to serve him and made an agreement. At present time he has that hamzaad with him and obey him as he guide his hamzaad….That chilla/amal completed in 11 days for daily 1 hour wazifa at lone chowk. According to my knowledge at present time Mr.shokat is a one person that has all details and valuable information about Hamzaad. Any one who will come to Mr.Shokat Ali he will help him as he could by their own experience and his friend who presently controlling Hamzaad with Him. That is all about Mr.Shokat ALI who share his own and their father experience share with me and I share these information to internet that all who want to capture hamzaad should realize that Hamzaad chilla/amal/ritual is not easy and it is very dangerous for any one who do it without teacher. Once my school friend Syed Asim jameel shah was doing chilla of hamzaad on “Harni wala Tiba” near his house at(Khanewal….Multan) . He make a hisar around him. He daily used to do amal at night when moon properly light up , he focused on his shadow which appeared on the front of him and recite some verse 4 some time (1 Hour or 2 Hour) daily when 7 or 15 days past the shadow began start moving left & right and its movement increase continuously. When 21 days past then shadow start moving freely, he was a bold person so he keep continue the amal. On 35 or 36 days of his amal he was driving a cycle and he pass over a river bank, then suddenly a black shadow come to appear and push him into the river with a great force. He luckily saved and come out of river then he broke/stop the amal.


I have always been able to talk to my jinn he gave good advice but i know he also used me to turn people to fantasies of the occult. since i came to islam i have not had any psychic impressions at all. i was in the know about a lot of things and amazed alot of people with what i said. i could tell them things that were not parlor games, i knew astrological signs, once 3 girls asked me to guess the color of their underwear and then they showed me by pulling part of them over their pants to prove me right, i guessed a few other things about them that i knew they could not lie to me about like month of their birth. i once saved a friends life but even that i know was to keep him away from Allah (swt). now that i have islam i have not a like to psychic info ever. i actually disliked the knowledge i had about the future and people. Fortune telling is a curse. I never used it to make money but i know it did lead others astray.

Brother Rahman on Qareen

QAREEN/HAMZAD: According to Islam, every human is born with a Jinni. This Jinn causes the person to do bad and sin. This Jinn that human is born with is called Qareen/ Hamzad (Qareen is the Arabic word and Hamzad is the urdu/Indian word for such Jinns). Now Qareen/Hamzad can be captured. In other words, they can be made your servant but it is so very difficult and takes years and years of works. Our prophet Muhammad (s.a.w) turned his Qareen into a muslim, thus resulting in not even a negative thought of anything. We human do not have the power to do this, but very pious can indeed capture their hamzad.

What can a hamzad do if captured and made in to your servant?

1) They can give you information on any person in the world. Every human has a hamzad, so once we capture our hamzad, we have the ability to send it to another person’s hamzad and get information on that person. We have a qareen from the day we are born, so they know every detail about us.

2) They can cure illness.

3) Find lost and stolen things.

4) Influence another person’s hamzad to get that person to do anything you want.

5) Let you know who is coming to see you, before they come. I once knew a healer, he did not have a Jinn, but he had captured his hamzad. Every time he would have a visitor, he would tell that person, what/why they are there for, what year they were born, time and the name of their parents. This is because his hamzad got information from the client’s hamzad. Now this was pretty much all he did, he really didn’t heal anyone, but when people would hear such information they would put full faith in him.

Danger from a Hamzad/Qareen :

To capture your hamzad is not an easy task. Naturally they are evil and very powerful. They know every detail about you, what scares you, what makes you sad, your all weakness, etc. So to control such a being is far, far from easy. There are two methods to capture your hamzad : the dark way and the white way (ruhani way). The dark methods consist of doing sinful acts and are a bit easier, because when a person tries to capture his hamzad by black magic, it is for evil deeds. So the hamazad is more open to this. Now when a person wants to capture their hamzad in a white method (ruhani/spiritual method), first thing they must do is spend years no sinning, much praying, many pious things. Because when a person is heavily involved in religion and God, they tend to sin less, thus causing your hamzad to weaken. So it has less control of you. This is hard because it is not easy for mankind to become so pious in a short time. 9 people who I know who have captured their hamzad are between the ages of 47-62. They are extremely pious, never missed a prayer, abstain from sin and illegitimate desires, etc.
When doing a conjuration for a hamzad, a single mistake cannot be made; in fact the hamzad will try to scare you to death and if the conjurer gets scared and leaves his protective circle his life is over. I knew of a man who was in a middle of a conjuration, it was a 30 day ritual & he was in his last 5 days. The hamzad was alive and active, whenever he would do his ritual the hamzad would appear as a shadow (which they always do, or the exact image of you) it would run around the room, make scary noises and so on. During the ritual, there was a fire at a neighbor’s home. So he was forced to leave his home and break his ritual. In 24 hours he started bleeding from every hole in his body, got ill and passed away in 10 days. I have heard many situations like these. Hamzad is not a game, they know you, better than you know yourself and would you try to control something like that? To top it off, their powers are beyond our comprehension.

Additional information on a Hamzad/Qareen

Many times I hear that a specific place is haunted by the man who use to live there or the children or whomever that was murdered there. Now in Islam, we do not say such things, it said in the Quran and the Bible, our soul goes to God and our soul does not stick around and haunt places regardless of how one dies. What we say is, it is not the soul of a person that is haunting that specific place, but that person’s hamzad. When we pass, our hamzad/qareens do not; they have their own life span, so they are free to do what they want. Once the person they were attached to dies, some choose to act like soul of a deceased person and haunt or torment some place or someone. Since they are with us until birth and show themselves like shadows or our exact image, thus can lead one to think such and such place is haunted by the owner that died there, when in fact, it is that person’s hamzad.

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Friday, February 7, 2014

Is it possible for a Qareen to embrace Islam?

Any Muslim can influence his Qareen to embrace Islam, but it is not always likely to be the case, for it applies exclusively to Prophet Muhammad SAW who was protected by Allah against any evil intention from the devil. Therefore, whoever claims that the matter applies to all people must provide evidence from the Quraan or the Sunnah to support his claim.

It is true that the Muslim might weaken his Qareen by the intensity of the remembrance of Allah, by the pratice of all acts of worhsip. and by the recitation of the Quraan, as understood in this hadeeth, narrated by Abu Hurayra. The Prophet SAW said, "The believer controls his Qareen the way you control your mount in your journeys.". Accodring to al-Haytham, this hadeeth was narrated by Ahamad. and the authority includes Ibn Lahi'ah (known for his weak narrations). The narration also includes Musa ibn Rawdan, whi is not reliable/.

Definition of Qareen.

The word Qareen comes from the root word Qarn (horn), meaning counterpart, companion, or double.

Qarin dan roh mati

Qarin yang tidak berada dalam pengalaman 'Ubudiyyah ketika berdampingan dengan manusia (temannya) akan digunakan oleh para pemuja roh untuk tujuan rawatan atau mengajar silat ghaib mahupun melakukan kegiatan-kegiatan lain. Oleh itu, yang hadir apabila diseru ketika Silat Sunda bukanlah roh orang yang telah mati tetapi Qarin. Diaktaan Qarin kerana tidak ada roh yang berkongsi dalam satu jasad atau mendatangi jasad lain yang telah dikosongkan. Fajaman Tana sukh al-Arwah ini adalah fahaman yang dianuti oleh penganut agama Brahma.

Qarin ialah sejenis jin yang sentiasa mendampingi manusia sejak manusia itu dilahirkan hingga ke akhir hayatnya. Qarin memiliki sahsiah dan watak yang sama dengan seseorang yang didampinginya. Beza antara Qarin dengan manusia yang dedampinginya ialah dari sudut jisim. Jisim manusia adalah berbentuk Maddah sedangkan Qarin dari jenis jin berunsurkan jisim halus.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

The Qareen: A separate category of jinn

The Qareen is mentioned in the Quraan (al-Nisa [4]:42; al- Saffat [37]: 49-54; Fussilat [41]-54.

He is the ‘fellow’ who belongs with every human, but he is not clerly described. In the hadeeth there is talk of two ‘fellows’, one of the jinn (qarin min al-jinn) and one of the angels ( qarin min al-mala’ika).

When a human being is born, simultaneously a Qareen is born, that is, a doppelganger who resembles the person he or she belongs to in every respect. Even nowadays doppleganger constitute a specific category of ginnis that must certainly be taken into account. 

Gender of Qareen

A male Qareen resides in a male person and a female Qareen resides in the female person.

The Qareen can be of either gender. It is caled a double and a brother or sister who lives below the earth. Some beleive that people are assigned Qareen of the person's gender. while others believe it is always the opposite gender. An opposite-gender Qareen is jealous of any rpmatic partners a person may have, and will thwart relationships and potential marriages. When humas are said to marry a jinni. it may be with their Qareen. Paretns wanr children not to spend too much time looking into a mirror because the Qareen will react in a jealous rage. A Qareen who is displeased with its human can cause headaches and illnesses.