Thursday, February 6, 2014

The Beginning

The Qareen (Companion Comrade Jinn)

Every human has been assigned a Jinni to be his constant companion. He is called ‘Qareen’ and he encourages evil desires). They attempt to lead us astray throughout life. It is a challenge for us to be conscious of their presence and not do what they say. By doing good deeds and suppressing bad thoughts we can weaken the ill effects of our individual Shaythaan. Satan provides a constant presence so that we humans may choose to ignore his bad advice and follow Allah’s command.

The Shaythaan of Prophet Muhammad (SAW) converted to Islam. The messenger of Allah (SAW) once told his companion:

“Every one of you has been assigned a companion from the Jinn.”
“Even you, O Messenger of Allah (SAW)!” He replied: “Even me, except that Allah has helped me against him and he has submitted. Now he only tells me to do good.” (Saheeh Muslim)

It is this Qareen, who is responsible for knowing the character and deeds of the dead. For example, during séance Jinni often pretends to contact the Qareen of the dead. The Qareen, who was a constant companion of the dead person and knew his entire life history, will be able to mimic the voice of the deceased and answer any questions accurately (about the dead person’s life), thus fooling those present into believing that they are in the presence of spirits. Crossing over and communicating with dead souls is not possible and this is the work of evil spirits.

Image from Dr. Mabuse, the Gambler (1922) Seance

Souls of the dead cannot and do not come back to earth, they cannot appear or converse with the living inhabitants of the earth. Causing people to believe in the return of the souls is one of the means adopted by Satan to misguide mankind. By pretending to be returned souls of the dead along with the performance of extraordinary feats, they deceive people into believing in the powers of dead. This has become a religious science of its own having no basis in the Quraan and Sunnah. Ultimately, it leads to the worship of the souls of the dead and in reality worship of the Satan himself. Satan provides a constant presence so that we humans may choose to ignore his bad advice and follow Allah’s command.

And whoever is blinded from remembrance of Ar-Rahman, we appoint for him a qareen, and he is to him a companion. [Surah Az-Zukhruf, verse 36]

Adam Asar, Peace of Mind and Healing of Broken Lives.